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Waterloo Well (Canada)

04:00, 29 juli 2016 (GMT)

Waterloo Well Hamilton Airport Burlington Piers Toronto Pearson Int'L. Ont. Mount Forest, Ont. Delhi CS, Ont. Simcoe, Ont. London, Ont. Toronto Island Toronto Island Airport Automated Reporting Station Exeter Radar Site Toronto Aes Hq Toronto Headland King Radar Site Toronto Buttonville Borden, Ont. Port Weller, Ont. Egbert Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System Saint Catharines Airport Long Point Meteorological Aeronautical Presentation System Niagara Coast Guard Station Goderich Automatic Weather Reporting System Barrie, Ont.

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Wind speed:2 bf, 6 kn, 3.1 m/s, 6.9 miles/h, 11.1 km/h
Wind direction:N, 010°
Visibility: 12874 m, 12.9 km, 42240 ft, 8.0 miles
Clouds:Aufgelockert bewölkt at 13000 ft, 3962 m
Temperature:19°C, 66°F
Dew-point:17°C, 63°F
Atmospheric pressure:1014 hPa, 760.5 mmHg, 29.94 inHg, 1.001 atm
Relative humidity:88.2 %
METAR:CYKF 290400Z AUTO 01006KT 8SM SCT130 19/17 A2994 RMK SLP134 DENSITY ALT 1700FT


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