Manchester Airport (Groot Britanië) 18:20, 20 augustus 2016 (GMT)
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Details Wind speed: 4 bf, 15 kn, 7.7 m/s, 17.3 miles/h, 27.8 km/h Wind direction: SSW, 210° Visibility: Greater than 10000 m, 10 km, 32800 ft, 6.2 miles Clouds: Ein wenig bewölkt at 1900 ft, 579 m Durchbrochene Bewölkung at 2500 ft, 762 m Het Weer: in the vicinity moderate showers of Temperature: 17°C, 63°F Dew-point: 14°C, 57°F Atmospheric pressure: 1000 hPa, 750.1 mmHg, 29.53 inHg, 0.987 atm Relative humidity: 82.5 % METAR: EGCC 201820Z 21015KT 9999 VCSH FEW019 BKN025 17/14 Q1000 TEMPO SHRA
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