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Ellsworth Air Force Base (Verenigde Staten)

16:58, 8 augustus 2016 (GMT)

Ellsworth Air Force Base Rapid City, Rapid City Regional Airport Custer, Custer County Airport Custer, Custer County Airport Spearfish / Clyde Ice Belle Fourche, Belle Fourche Municipal Airport Philip, Philip Airport Inyan Kara Faith Pine Ridge, Pine Ridge Airport Chadron, Chadron Municipal Airport Buffalo Gordon Municipal Belle Fourche Gillette, Gillette-Campbell County Airport Hettinger, Hettinger Municipal Airport Pierre, Pierre Regional Airport Bowman, Bowman Municipal Airport Broadus Alliance, Alliance Municipal Airport Douglas, Converse County Airport Dead Horse Douglas

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Wind speed:5 bf, 21 kn, 10.8 m/s, 24.2 miles/h, 38.9 km/h
Wind direction:N, 350° - NE, 050°
Visibility: 16093 m, 16.1 km, 52800 ft, 10.0 miles
Clouds:Heiter at  ft,  m
Temperature:28°C, 82°F
Gefühlte Temperatur:28°C, 82°F
Dew-point:16°C, 61°F
Atmospheric pressure:1011 hPa, 758.4 mmHg, 29.86 inHg, 0.998 atm
Relative humidity:48.1 %
METAR:KRCA 081658Z AUTO 36021KT 350V050 10SM CLR 28/16 A2986 RMK AO2 PK WND 36026/17 SLP086 T02820161 VISNO RWY13 $


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