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Bonifati (Italy)

11:05, 20 Februari 2016 (GMT)

Bonifati Monte Scuro Latronico Capo Palinuro Calopezzati Lamezia Terme Potenza Crotone Marina Di Ginosa Pontecagnano Air Force Base Messina Gioia Del Colle Grottaglie Reggio Calabria Trevico Capri Bari / Palese Macchie Napoli / Capodichino Lecce Brindisi S. Maria Di Leuca Amendola Grazzanise

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Wind speed:5 bf, 21 kn, 10.8 m/s, 24.2 miles/h, 38.9 km/h
Gusts up to:8 bf, 34 kn, 17.5 m/s, 39.1 miles/h, 63.0 km/h
Wind direction:W, 260°
Visibility: 3000 m, 3.0 km, 9843 ft, 1.9 miles
Clouds:Scattered clouds at 500 ft, 152 m
Broken clouds at 600 ft, 183 m
Weather:moderate thunderstorm rain
Temperature:8°C, 46°F
Dew-point:5°C, 41°F
Atmospheric pressure:1023 hPa, 767.3 mmHg, 30.21 inHg, 1.010 atm
Relative humidity:81.3 %
METAR:LIBW 201105Z 26021G34KT 3000 1000W TSRA SCT005CB BKN006 08/05 Q1023 RMK OVC QUK / QUL / VIS MAR 1000 M MON INVIS VAL INVIS VIS MIN 1000W


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