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Het Weer

Nemiscau Airport Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station (Canada)

20:00, 30 oktober 2015 (GMT)

Nemiscau Airport Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station Eastmain River Airport Waskaganish Airport La Grande Iii Supplementary Aviation Weather Reporting Station Aeroport de Wemindji, Que. La Grande Riviere, Que Chibougamau-Chapais, Que Matagami, Que. La Grande Iv Remote Environment Automatic Data Acquisition Concept La Grande Iv, Que. Moosonee, Ont. Chamouchouane Automatic Weather Reporting System Lac Benoit Bonnard 1, Que. Chute Des Passes Manouane-Est Automated Reporting Station Normandin Kuujjuarapik, Que. Roquemaure Val D'Or, Que. Parent, Que. Rouyn Airport Rouyn

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Wind speed:5 bf, 16 kn, 8.2 m/s, 18.4 miles/h, 29.6 km/h
Wind direction:W, 280°
Celková viditenost: 3219 m, 3.2 km, 10560 ft, 2.0 miles
Clouds:Zataženo at 1100 ft, 335 m
Het Weer:slabý přehánky sníh
střední nízko zvířený sníh
Teplota:-1°C, 30°F
Gefühlte Temperatur:-8°C, 18°F
Rosný bod:-3°C, 27°F
Atmosférický tlak:1008 hPa, 756.4 mmHg, 29.78 inHg, 0.995 atm
Relativní vlhkost vzduchu:86.2 %
METAR:CYHH 302000Z 28016KT 2SM -SHSN DRSN OVC011 M01/M03 A2978 RMK SC7 LAST OBS/NEXT 021200 UTC SLP099


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