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Aberdeen, Aberdeen Regional Airport (Verenigde Staten)

16:53, 22 augustus 2016 (GMT)

Aberdeen, Aberdeen Regional Airport Sisseton, Sisseton Municipal Airport Watertown, Watertown Municipal Airport Huron, Huron Regional Airport Lidgerwood Remote Automatic Meteorological Observing System Wheaton, Wheaton Municipal Airport Mobridge, Mobridge Municipal Airport Ortonville, Ortonville Muncipal-Martinson Field Airport Mobridge Wahpeton, Harry Stern Airport Jamestown, Jamestown Municipal Airport Brookings, Brookings Municipal Airport Madison, Madison-Lac Qui Parle County Airport Pierre, Pierre Regional Airport Mitchell, Mitchell Municipal Airport Appleton, Appleton Municipal Airport Morris, Morris Municipal Airport Fergus Falls, Fergus Falls Municipal Airport-Einar Mickelson Field Chamberlain, Chamberlain Municipal Airport Moorhead, Moorhead Municipal Airport Moorhead, Moorhead Municipal Airport Fargo, Hector International Airport Benson Municipal

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Wind speed:4 bf, 15 kn, 7.7 m/s, 17.3 miles/h, 27.8 km/h
Wind direction:S, 170°
Celková viditenost: 16093 m, 16.1 km, 52800 ft, 10.0 miles
Clouds:Jasno at  ft,  m
Teplota:26°C, 79°F
Gefühlte Temperatur:27°C, 81°F
Rosný bod:17°C, 63°F
Atmosférický tlak:1006 hPa, 754.6 mmHg, 29.71 inHg, 0.993 atm
Relativní vlhkost vzduchu:57.6 %
METAR:KABR 221653Z AUTO 17015KT 10SM CLR 26/17 A2971 RMK AO2 SLP055 T02560167


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