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St. Petersburg, Whitted Airport (Verenigde Staten)

13:53, 20 augustus 2016 (GMT)

St. Petersburg, Whitted Airport Macdill Air Force Base, Fl. St. Petersburg / Clearwater, St. Petersburg / Clearwater International Airport Tampa, Tampa International Airport Egmont Key Coast Guard Station Tampa Bay Area Tampa, Peter O Knight Airport Tampa, Vandenberg Airport Sarasota / Bradenton, Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport New Port Richey, Tampa Bay Executive Airport Plant City, Plant City Municipal Airport Lakeland Regional Venice Long Range Navigation Brooksville, Hernando County Airport Bartow Municipal Winter Haven, Winter Haven's Gilbert Airport Punta Gorda, Charlotte County Airport Avon Park Gunnery Range Orlando, Kissimmee Municipal Airport Leesburg, Leesburg Regional Airport Orlando, Orlando International Airport The Villages The Villages

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Windsnelheid:1 bf, 3 kn, 1.5 m/s, 3.5 miles/h, 5.6 km/h
Windrichting:ZO, 140°
Zicht: 16093 m, 16.1 km, 52800 ft, 10.0 miles
Wolken:Helder op  ft,  m
Temperatuur:27°C, 81°F
Gevoelstemperatuur:31°C, 87°F
Dauwpunt:24°C, 75°F
Luchtdruk:1016 hPa, 762.3 mmHg, 30.01 inHg, 1.003 atm
Relative luchtvochtigheid:83.7 %
METAR:KSPG 201353Z 14003KT 10SM CLR 27/24 A3001 RMK AO2 SLP161 T02720244 $


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